Travelators (also known as ‘moving walkways’) appeared over 20 years ago with the initial aim to facilitate the climbing of outdoor steep paths by children in skiing areas. Accidents on early installations led, in 2011, to the development of a first European standard, EN 15700, on the safety of travelators.
The refurbishment of buildings is the process of renovating, updating, or restoring an existing building to improve its condition. It is crucial not only for environmental considerations, but also for a variety of other reasons, ranging from saving costs to preserving cultural heritage and to enhancing safety.
This CEN/WS intends to develop two CWAs (Workshop Agreement). The planned Workshop intends to deliver 2 different documents related to obtaining in a limited time the materials fatigue properties. The first one, so called self-heating measurements, is based on the evolution of temperature measurements under cyclic loading. The second one, so called stiffness method measurements, is based on the evolution of the damage during cyclic loading.
In July 2023, the CEN Technical Committee 264 ‘Air quality’ published the two new documents EN 15267-1:2023 ‘Air quality - Assessment of air quality monitoring equipment - Part 1: General principles of certification’ and EN 15267-2:2023 ‘Air quality - Assessment of air quality monitoring equipment - Part 2: Initial assessment of the manufacturer’s quality management system and post certification surveillance for the manufacturing process’ to improve measurement of air pollutants and support environmental protection.
The CEN and CENELEC Joint Technical Committee 14 ‘Energy management and energy efficiency in the framework of energy transition’ announces the publication of the new standard EN 17669:2022 ‘Energy Performance Contracts-Minimum requirements’ developed by their Working Group 4 ‘Energy financial aspects’.
The objectives of the planned workshop are to define basic principles of zero-defect manufacturing (ZDM), based on the terminology, which was recently created in a CEN-CENELEC Workshop and is available as CWA 17918:2022.
The transport of liquid chemicals and liquefied gases is a strategic activity, which impacts many sectors in our society: energy for industrial ovens and furnaces, insecticides, textile, paints, fertilizers, plastic components, medical applications, and so on.
The new 'Mediation Grammar' (CWA 18014:2023) has been published: it is a useful tool for integration, for a fairer and more welcoming society.
CEN/TC 428 "ICT Professionalism and Digital Competences" has released a White Paper on how standards on ICT professionalism can support European AI policies to embed ICT professional competence within the development of AI systems.
This CEN Workshop intends to develop one CWA (Workshop Agreement): ”Unmanned aircraft systems — Counter UAS — Testing methodology”