CEN-CENELEC Guide 39 “The role of standards in support of Technology Transfer” points out that having a scientific publication referenced in a standard’s Bibliography is a direct way through which researchers will get recognition for their work and demonstrate lasting impact. The researchers can make use of this information in support of their scientific careers. Such references further provide evidence to research funding organizations of the “valorisation” of the research outcomes enabled by those funds.
These are the reasons why CEN and CENELEC are facilitating access to the bibliographies of their “home-grown” standards and standard publications. These complement the bibliographic information as already available from the ISO website for international standards.
Considering that CEN and CENELEC are publishing every year several hundreds of “home-grown” standards and standard publications, not every single Bibliography is made available from this page. Bibliographies that only refer to standards, specifications, public sector publications, etc., are not useful for demonstrating a researcher’s contribution to standardization and are thus not included.
The overview enables access to the bibliographies of publications since January 2023.