Climate change is one of today’s most urgent challenges and requires collective action. To achieve this aim, air travel is among the priority sectors to target: while its social and economic benefits are undeniable, aviation accounts for 2-3% of global CO2 emissions annually.
Gas turbines are a fundamental tool to ensure the steady supply of energy: at the heart of power plants, they act as an engine that turns natural gas into mechanical energy. In turn, this energy generates the electricity that moves along power lines to our homes and businesses.
The Covid-19 pandemic made the need for shared rules on community face coverings particularly urgent. In response, CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, developed in record time an initial deliverable that could provide the necessary guidelines: CEN Workshop Agreement 17553:2020 ‘Community face coverings - Guide to minimum requirements, methods of testing and use’. Although a Workshop Agreement (also known as CWA) does not count as an official standard, as it involves no obligation at the national level, thanks to its simplified format it can be produced and disseminated very quickly, and therefore it can help fill urgent needs.
The current energy crisis due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine has seriously impacted Europe’s traditional energy supply, with important consequences for its economy. In response, the continent is striving to find solutions to diversify its energy mix and increase its ‘strategic autonomy’.
On 21 October 2022, CEN and CENELEC published new standard on cybersecurity: EN 17640 ‘Fixed-time cybersecurity evaluation methodology for ICT products’ (FiT CEM).
In the past two years, Europe, like other parts of the world, has been hit hard by Covid-19. In this situation, standards have proven effective in developing solutions that minimise the impact of the pandemic on the European economy and society.
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are a vital tool to increase safety and tackle Europe's emission and congestion problems. By applying information and communication technologies to passenger and freight transport modes alike, they can help make the way we move safer, more efficient and more sustainable.
CEN/TC 461 ‘Public Procurement’ develops standards in the field of public procurement. Since its inception in 2019, the TC’s main task has been the development of a new standard, EN 17687: 2022 ‘Public Procurement - Integrity and accountability - Requirements and guidance’, which now has finally seen the light.
Ensuring the electrical compatibility between rolling stock and electric traction systems is crucial for organizing a railway network. The train operating companies must be able to know the electrification parameters to confirm, after consultation with the rolling stock manufacturers, that risks of non-compatibility are minimized and that there will be no consequential disturbances on the electrification system.
CEN and CENELEC is proud to contribute to the development of simulation as alternative to physical tests in railways with the new CEN/TR 17833:2022 developed by CEN/TC 256 ‘ Railways applications’ in close collaboration with CENELEC Rail experts (CENELEC/TC 9X).