The Design for All approach means design for human diversity, inclusion and equality. Its aim is to enable maximum use of products, goods and services.
The Design for All protocol for standardizers
The “CEN-CENELEC Protocol on accessibility following a Design for All approach in standardization” outlines the procedure (protocol) to help technical bodies to decide whether accessibility, with a Design for All approach, should be addressed when developing or revising a standardization deliverable.
European Standard on Design for All
EN 17161 'Design for All - Accessibility' following a Design for All approach in products, goods and services - Extending the range of users.
SAGA, the Strategic Advisory Group on Accessibility managed the development of the process standard EN 17161:2019 Design for All — Accessibility following a Design for All approach in products, goods and services — Extending the range of users, under Mandate 473 from the European Commission. EN 17161 is a consistent way for organisations to manage accessibility through a Design for All approach, so that products and services can be accessed, understood and used by all people.
Accessibility is important as EU member states are preparing for the implementation of the European Accessibility Act. The mandatory accessibility requirements for products and services laid down in the Act must be fulfilled starting June 2025. The requirements are also meant to be used in a wider application to show compliance with accessibility requirements in other union acts of e.g., procurement and for EU funding.
The Act states in the recitals (no 50) that: “…accessibility should be achieved by the systematic removal and prevention of barriers, preferably through a universal design or ‘design for all’ approach, which contributes to ensuring access for persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others.”.
SAGA calls on organisations to implement EN 17161 'Design for All - Accessibility' to stimulate innovation, increase markets as well as contribute to sustainable development and human rights by:
- Preparing for compliance with the European Accessibility Act;
Integrating the Design for All approach with their management systems, e.g., ISO 9001 or 14001;
- Demonstrating related technical capability and capacity, which can be required in public procurement and for EU funding;
- Involving diverse users (including non-users) in the development activities to extend the range of users;
- Improving accessibility in products and services to benefit all users;
- Following design processes that integrate human-centred design to achieve accessibility and securing it end-to-end;
- Developing new features, elements or functions where accessibility requirements are not yet fully established.
Do you need help or want to know more?
Marit KVEINE NYGREN, PhD – BT/WG 213 SAGA Secretary
Christina THORNGREEN – CCMC Project Manager