is a brand-new research project funded by the Horizon Europe programme under Grant Agreement No. 101135705. CEN is partner in the, which is led by Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and brings together key players in education on standardization in Europe, including 11 university partners from across Europe.
In a world rapidly transitioning towards a greener and more digital society, the development of digital technologies and related policies has taken centre stage. Acknowledging the pivotal role of standardization in realizing its objectives, the European Union is committed to boosting the development and adoption of global digital standards for increased competitiveness.
More data is being generated than ever before. The global volume of data has doubled between 2018 and 2022 and is expected to double again between 2022 and 2025.
Brussels, 12 January - Taking over from the Spanish Presidency, the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union began on the 1st of January and will continue until June 2024. CEN and CENELEC, together with their Belgian members, NBN, the Belgian Organization for Standards and Standardization, and CEB-BEC, the Belgian Electrotechnical Committee, are committed to collaborating with the Belgian Presidency to ensure that European Standards are recognized as a vital tool for both present and future issues facing the European Union.
The CEN-CENELEC Workshop on ‘Innovative solutions for user centric charging infrastructure for electric vehicles' was kicked off on 7 July 2023.
In the framework of the Standardisation Request M/583 drafted by the European Commission implementing decision of 12.5.2022 to the European Committee for Standardisation as regards the pyrotechnic articles in support of Directive 2013/29/UE of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Standardisation of Raman devices and Raman data spectroscopy is receiving strong interest in recent years due to the broad expansion in number and type of Raman devices and the need to assure data exchange and data consistency along devices and the across different units and sampling configurations.
The EU-funded Sea4Value project (GA no. N°869703) is the first attempt to recover minerals and metals from brines produced in seawater desalination plants in a cost-effective way.
This CEN/WS intends to develop a CWA (Workshop Agreement): Tentative title: ” Aluminium And Its Alloys. Fluidity Evaluation Via Multi Strip Testing Moulds”
CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, welcomes the publication of EN 1384:2023 'Helmets for equestrian activities’ as a harmonized standard (hEN), after its citation in the official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) on 11 December.