CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Coordination Group ´Smart Grids` (CG SG) - possibility to influence the Smart Grid development
Climate change is happening even faster than anticipated and thus, energy transition, electrification, sustainability, adaptation and countless other measures and initiatives are essential to keep the consequences manageable.
An important role in the energy transition is reserved for the use of 'the grid', an electricity network that uses digital technologies, sensors and software to better match the supply and demand of electricity. After all, different requirements are set for this: local generation and distribution, higher capacities and differences in timing in the supply and demand of energy. The grid should therefore not only be adapted, but above all used 'smarter' and be `interoperable` between different systems.
Tasks for CEN-CLC-ETSI Coordination Group ‘Smart Grids’
EU Regulations and legislation (e.g. Clean Energy Package, EU Digital Agenda), play crucial roles in achieving the associated objectives of seamless integration of renewable energy sources into electricity grids. In order to streamline the activities of the European Standardization Organizations (ESO’s) CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, the Coordinating Group Smart Grids (CG SG) has been created. CG SG maintains liaisons with the European Commission, European Energy Associations and initiatives, as well as with national and international standardization organizations.
The CG SG advises on European standardization requirements relating to smart electrical grid and multi-commodity smart metering standardization, including interactions between commodity systems (e.g. electricity, gas, heat, water), and assesses ways to address them. This includes interactions with end-users, including consumers/prosumers.
CG SG aims to promote the deployment of open and interoperable data architectures, which are urgently needed for successful energy transition, based on European and international standards. This also includes standards to design, operate and maintain electrical grids securely and efficiently. In the specific area of smart metering, its scope includes electricity, water, gas (incl. hydrogen) and heat/cooling metering devices and systems, and associated architectures.
Within its scope, CG SG will address the European requirements resulting from the Clean Energy Package , including secondary legislation such as EU Network Codes, and any other relevant Commission initiatives.
The full tasks of the CG SG are available in the Terms of Reference.
Organization of CEN-CLC-ETSI Coordination Group ‘Smart Grids’

Tasks of the CG SG Working groups
- Working group European Policy
- Coordination of CG SG input from/to SGTF EG1, EG2 and EG3 (future Smart Energy Expert Group – SEEG)
- Revision of EU Electricity Market Design and impact of standardization
- Aligning standardization requests referring to regulatory issues
- Working group Smart Metering
- Listing Cybersecurity Standards applicable for Smart Metering
- Implementation guide RED requirements for smart metering (update of TR 50572 - Reference Architecture)
- Providing input for the MID Fast track and revision
- Working group Set of Standards
- Listing CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Smart Grid Standards
- New developments in Smart Energy Grid standardization
- Follow European legislative work where Smart Energy Grid are in scope
- Code of Conduct for smart appliances design
- Information exchange Grid / Premises
- Alignment Bridge WG Data Management / Use Cases / Actor list
The CG SG meets two times a year, the WG’s on demand (two-four times a year).
If you are willing to provide value to the expertise of CG SG, we kindly invite you to join CG SG and/or its WG’s and be part of this valuable network of experts.