The March issue of the CEN-CENELEC newsletter 'On The Spot' is out now!
Engineers' Day in the Republic of Croatia, held in Zagreb from February 29 to March 1, 2024, at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of the University of Zagreb, marked the celebration of the 146th anniversary of the Croatian Engineering Association (HIS).
Security staff working at European airports and ports will receive higher levels of training under new standards set in conjunction with trade unions. ETUC and UNI Europa, representing security staff, have contributed to revising two European standards on the minimum criteria for the provision of security services in the aviation and maritime sectors.
The 10th edition of the International Smart Utility Week (ISUW) 2024 was held from March 12th to March 16th, 2024, in New Delhi, India. This year’s conference focused on Smart Energy and Smart Mobility. ISUW 2024 featured an extensive program that included plenary sessions, bilateral workshops, keynote addresses, technical sessions, presentations of technical papers, tutorials, and guided technical tours. Bilateral Smart Grid workshops with the European Union, Germany (GIZ) and the United Kingdom (UK Gov.) were some of the highlights from the agenda.
SIST is proud to introduce their two young standardization ambassadors, Hana Knez and Erik Vladimir Simić. The two committed students of the Faculty of Electrotechnics in Ljubljana are aspiring to become successful engineers and are ready to engage with standards and standardization in their future endeavours.
ANEC is delighted to have agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS), related to the university’s International and European Law Programme.
The European Commission standardization request in support of EU policy on artificial intelligence (European Commission C (2023)3215), issued in May 2023, requires facilitating an appropriate representation and effective participation of relevant stakeholders in the development of the standards mandated to support the AI Act.
In January, SBS published two position papers outlining its recommendations to ensure the interests and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in standardization at the national and international levels. The objective of the publications is to strengthen the participation, role and impact of SMEs and SME experts in the national and international standardization systems.
For 100 years, Finland has used standards to promote competitiveness, the functioning of society, public safety, and national security.
Global standards on the quality and safety of condoms and IUDs have been around for a long time. However, even though about 1.8 billion of the world’s girls and women menstruate every month, there are no standards on menstrual products.