In June 2021, the Technical Boards of CEN and CENELEC have set up a Focus Group on Organ on chip. The secretariat of the Focus Group is held by NEN. The Focus Group will hold its first kick-off meeting virtually on 02 March 2021.
The CEN-CENELEC Focus Group on Organ on chip (hereinafter 'FGOOC') shall ensure interaction between all relevant European stakeholders interested in potential standardization in the field of organ on chip, map ongoing activities, define priority needs and opportunities and recommend further action to ensure that standards support the deployment of organ on chip in industry and help to ensure its regulatory acceptance.
The FGOOC has been created following the outcome of the 'Organs on chip: building a roadmap towards standardization' workshop organized in 2021 together with the Joint Research Centre (JRC), which identified initial needs for standardization in the field of 'Organs on chip and set the basis for an active dialogue and cooperation between the communities of researchers and standardizers.

The primary objectives of this Focus Group will be to develop a roadmap for potential standardization issues relevant for organ on chip, identifying and considering any relevant specific issues linked to European legislation; liaising with innovation/research projects impacting the field of Organ on chip .
How to become a member of FGOOC?
All individual experts active in Organ on chip field can join the CEN-CENELEC FGOOC and have access to the documents once they are nominated by a European National Standardization Body (NSB for CEN) or National Committee (NC for CENELEC). If you are an expert and would like to join the CEN-CLC FGOOC, please contact your NSB or NC expressing your interest in joining the CEN-CENELEC FGOOC.
For European organizations interested in becoming a member of CEN-CLC FGOOC, or for international organizations willing to establish a liaison, please contact the CEN and CENELEC Project Manager Jennifer Ogbonna.
How to get access to the documents of FGOOC?
All documents that are developed within the FGOOC can be found on the Livelink server of CEN and CENELEC. A membership to the FGOOC is a requirement for access.
If there are any questions, please contact the CEN and CENELEC project manager or the FGOOC secretariat.
FGOOC Chair (upon BT's approval)
Meer, Andries van der
FGOOC Secretariat
Lysette Meuleman